What does plaque look like? How do you remove plaque?

How Plaque Forms – Have you ever noticed this when you got your plaque? Teeth cleaned Do your teeth look white and bright, but over time they become duller and yellower? This yellowish color is caused by plaque, a film-like substance formed by plaque bacteria. Plaque can build up on the teeth above and below the gum line. You may find it unsightly, and more importantly, if not removed, it can damage your teeth and gums. So do you know how to remove plaque? If you don’t know, let’s take a look!

Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that constantly forms on your teeth. Bacteria in plaque produce acid after you eat or drink. These acids can damage tooth enamel and lead to tooth decay and gingivitis (gum disease).

Plaque can also build up under the gums at the roots of teeth and damage the bone that supports the teeth. Untreated plaque can harden into tartar that is difficult to remove. Proper oral hygiene, including daily brushing and flossing, can remove plaque.

Plaque buildup can have serious health consequences. The bacteria
in plaque feed on the sugar in food and produce acid, which can damage your teeth and lead to tooth decay. Bacteria also produce toxins that irritate the gums and lead to periodontitis (gum disease).

When plaque on your teeth combines with minerals in your saliva to form a hard deposit, it is called tartar. Another name for tartar is calculus. Like plaque, tartar can form both above and below the gum line. Tartar forms a breeding ground for the rapid multiplication of plaque bacteria.

Unlike plaque, tartar cannot be removed by brushing or flossing. To remove it, you will need to visit your dentist, who will remove it using special instruments in a technique called “scaling and polishing.” Scaling is the removal or removal of tartar from the teeth, while polishing helps to make the teeth smooth and shiny afterwards.

What are the symptoms of plaque?

A fuzzy feeling on your teeth is the first sign that you have plaque. Other indicators are:

Chronic bad breath.
Red, swollen, tender gums that bleed after brushing your teeth (gum disease).

What to do about dental plaque?

The easiest way to remove plaque is to brush your teeth at least twice a day. If the bristles wear out, you should use a soft toothbrush, which should be replaced at least every 3 to 4 months. You can also consider an electric toothbrush, which removes plaque more effectively than a traditional toothbrush.

Before brushing your teeth, floss to loosen any food particles so you can brush them away. Floss your teeth:

Hold the floss taut between your thumb and forefinger, then gently slide it between the two teeth.
Gently rub the floss up and down while continuing to press it against your teeth. Be careful not to tear or break the floss.
Repeat this process for all teeth, being careful to floss behind the molars.

After flossing, you should brush your teeth for two minutes at a time. Brush teeth:

Apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to your toothbrush. For children, the amount of toothpaste should be approximately the size of a grain of rice.
Place the toothbrush on your teeth at a 45-degree angle to your gums.
Move the toothbrush back and forth across the width of each tooth in short, gentle strokes.
Brush all the external, internal and chewing surfaces of your teeth and don’t forget to brush your tongue.
For the inside of the front teeth, tilt the toothbrush vertically and make small up and down strokes.

After brushing, plaque can quickly form again. Dentists recommend other home treatments to remove plaque buildup. These include oil pulling and baking soda treatments.

Oil pulling

Applying oil (usually coconut or olive oil) in the mouth can strengthen teeth, prevent tooth decay, soothe sore gums, and remove plaque. To “absorb” the oil, swish a tablespoon of coconut or olive oil around your mouth for 20 to 30 minutes (much longer than a typical mouthwash). Coconut oil is considered particularly beneficial because it contains fatty acids such as lauric acid, a substance that has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

baking powder

The study found that people who brushed their teeth with toothpaste that contained baking soda removed more plaque and less plaque grew back within 24 hours than those who brushed their teeth with toothpaste without baking soda. fewer. Baking soda is effective at removing plaque because it is a natural cleaner and abrasive, making it good for scrubbing.

How to remove plaque

Baking soda is ideal for removing hard tartar from tooth enamel. However, it is a bit abrasive, so don’t overdo it! Another way to make your teeth shine is to mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with enough hydrogen peroxide to form a smooth paste.
People have known about the health benefits of aloe vera for years. However, its magical properties also extend to oral care. In particular, you can use it as a very effective natural toothpaste.
When you’re done eating your oranges, don’t throw away the peel! Rub it on your teeth – it’s an easy way to clean your tooth enamel.
Sesame seeds make a really cool tooth scrub. They gently and carefully remove plaque and even tartar without damaging your teeth.
Mixing fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C is a quick and easy way to make an anti-plaque paste mask for your teeth.
One of the components of white vinegar is acetic acid. This acid prevents demineralization of tooth enamel and plaque formation.
Clove powder can be used to relieve toothache. But it also has the ability to destroy microorganisms in the mouth. Yes, the same microorganisms that cause plaque!
Rosemary essential oil has a disinfectant effect and removes bacteria from the mouth. It prevents tooth decay and plaque formation and eliminates bad breath.
Eat more cheese. Cheese helps produce alkaline saliva, which in turn forms a protective layer around teeth and neutralizes plaque acids.

How to prevent plaque from forming

Good dental and gum care is key to reducing plaque. You should:

Floss daily: Brush or floss your teeth once a day to remove food particles and plaque between your teeth. Studies show that flossing before brushing removes more plaque.
Brush twice a day: Brush for two minutes with a soft toothbrush (manual or electric) and fluoride toothpaste. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, preferably once after each meal.
Chew sugar-free gum: Chew sugarless gum if you cannot brush your teeth immediately after eating or drinking.
Choose healthy foods: Reduce sugary, starchy foods and drinks. Instead, choose nutrient-dense foods and snacks such as plain yogurt, cheese, raw vegetables or fruits.
Go to the dentist: Get a dental checkup at least twice a year.
Use mouthwash: Rinse with an over-the-counter or prescription antiseptic mouthwash.

What are the complications of dental plaque?

If you don’t brush and floss your teeth daily, plaque can harden into tartar. Only a dentist can remove tartar. Plaque and tartar can cause:

Gingivitis and periodontal (gum) diseases.
Severe inflammation of the gums (periodontitis).
Tooth decay and tooth loss.
Tooth infection (tooth abscess).


The better you take care of your teeth, the less plaque and tartar build up. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day to prevent plaque buildup. Also visit your dentist regularly for preventive care and tartar removal. Good dental care will help you stay healthy in the long term.

If you think you may have dental problems due to plaque or tartar buildup, make an appointment with your dentist immediately. The sooner a dental problem is treated, the less likely it is to cause damage and the easier (and cheaper) treatment will be.

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